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瀬谷 草介(せや そうすけ)



2008 ZERO展 三鷹ギャラリーテラス

2010 位置展 下北沢アートギャラリーHANA

2011 G*A 受け入れの国のカオス 原画 青山ビリケンギャラリー

2013 ア・ワールド・ピクチュア-How do you make a world picture?- 木場EARTH+GALLERY

2015 小東京☆銀河vol.9より参加

2015 カオスラウンジ7 穏やかじゃない 青山ビリケンギャラリー など




Today it is generally said that we feel the world more widely through the tools like Internet than past time, but feel narrow simultaneously. I actually feel cramped in reality everyday, with also feeling my own range is extended by medias such as so-called subculture. Although this can be seen as escape to fantasy, it is also true that the memory of sensation and emotion obtained from those virtual presences are left in my brain which technically exists in reality. My work is basically made by assembling, dismantling and rebuilding the pieces from my real life and the virtual experience which keeps enlarging(ex.: photographs taken by myself, images gathered via internet such as an unknown landscape, my own fictional drawings, etc.).

In the midst of these creative action, sometimes I can unexpectedly find the unusual images and spread of the world. For me, it is a moment which gives me feeling of the journey to an unknown world. It might be only my selfish fiction, but again, the outcome from that is materially real. To keep exploring the unknown world furthermore and create my brand new parallel world —that is the main axis of my artistic activity, with wishing to share the moment from my outcome with someone.






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